Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What are your plans?

Every other year, (as in alternating years) Dean and I are on our own for New Year's Eve. We usually go moonlight bowling. This year Angela is supposed to go to her dad's house, but we'll still have Axel. Since he's too new home to even consider leaving him with a sitter, we'll be doing New Year's at home this year, and maybe have some people over for a little adult Wii bowling tournament! LOL

What about you? What is your family doing?


  1. Our tradition has been to do *nothing* and for me to be in bed my usual 10pm time. This year one of our neighbors is having a party, so I'll go while my husband stays home with Samantha (he has no interest in going), but will come home in time to toast with him at midnight.

    Moonlight bowling (and Wii!) sounds like a lot of fun!

  2. Since New Year's is on the Shabbat this year, we won't do much partying: we'll go to Synagogue for Kabbalat Shabbat, and stay for a communal supper. But since it's the Shabbat, we'll let the kids stay up till midnight, which they normally don't get to do as they have to go to school on Jan 1.

  3. Since our two trusty, reliable babysitters/sons will be going to their own parties this year, we'll be staying home. The Love Magnet will kick our butts in Wii Bowling/Boxing/Rock Band. I'll make appys and supply copious amounts of cold shrimp. The Love Magnet will probably fall asleep around 10:00 and we'll have a quiet evening until the boys get home

  4. Oh how I wish you were close to our family. I got your comment on my blog. o answer your questions.. he had a test for delayed gastric emptying in Texas and they said he had it. Up here in Pa the one DR told us that there was no test like that. forward 6 months and finally a therapist calls and orders the gastric emptying test. We get admitted to the hospital. We get a doctor who is against tests. He said that if the test comes out he has something gret but if he choses not to reflux in that test then the test isnt really right, i dont know. I just know if I were older and stronger maybe they would listen to me.

    We do see another GI dr but cant until the end of January. We are in Childrens Hosp of Pittsburgh. The dr said we can go home tomorrow if he tolerates his feeds but by that i dont know what he means bc he said he isnt concerned with gagging vomiting coughing or congestion. Sigh.

    Anyways thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my blog. I pray you are blessed.

    Be blessed


  5. Oh and about the traditions. Kind of a silly one. My husband and I started dating in Nov and had our first kiss on new years eve and he looked at me and said I hope we can do this again next year, so we say that to each other every year when the clock strikes a new year.

    But I think wii bowling is an awesome idea and may have to do that too, lol!!

    Be blessed


  6. We usually have a family friendly party but don't feel like it this year. will probably just hang out with the kiddos and play games & watch movies until midnight. may open a bottle of bubbly.


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