Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cooking for Axel

Last night Angela was reading to Axel, and today she decided to make him lunch. She sure is loving being the big sister!


  1. Hey, I recognize the corner of that t-shirt! What a great big sister you are Angela! Love the hug in the last photo on The Big Sister post too - Has Axel seeked out affection like a hug or a cuddle? A reciprocation like to tell you he loves you back? Do you think he understands how much you guys love him? Just curious, I wonder what he thinks of his new life.

  2. Jackie, Axel is VERY affectionate! If he wasn't so engrossed in whatever is on TV, he would have been hugging her back. He gets very excited when she finally gets up in the morning, and runs to greet her with a hug. When Dean comes home from work, Axel is instantly at the door with a hug and kiss, then helps him get his shoes and jacket off, and...get this...brings Dean his slippers!!! I wonder the most about him when we're in the car, and in the rear view mirror I watch his face. Sometimes he looks very puzzled, I'm sure because he can't understand where I've told him we're going. He's probably hoping we're not getting back on a plane! But I also wonder if he thinks maybe one of these trips we'll be brining him back to the foster home? But whenever we get to our destination, if it's a new place he gets out of the car with eyes full of excitement, anxious to see what this new adventure holds!

  3. AWESOME... AMAZING... So very cool Leah! {{HUGS}} for everyone.


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