Sunday, September 05, 2010

Special Olympics Update

Well, there were 40-some athletes who applied for just 8 spots on the Minnesota team. Angela made the first cut, so it was between her and about 18 other athletes! She was interviewed without me present, and she did well in the interview.

Finally all the names of the finalists were put in a hat, but sadly Angela's name was not one of the names drawn, so she will not be going to Greece for the 2011 games.

We are very proud of her though! Angela was the youngest athlete to apply, and she still made it all the way to her name getting put in the hat. That speaks volumes for how far she has come in the past year! She has worked so hard, and overcome so much.

Angela will continue working hard, and perhaps in 2015 she will qualify again. In the meantime, we will be cheering on those athletes who will be representing the US Special Olympics, and all differently abled atletes at the World Games in Athens Greece in 2011!


  1. Excellent that Ange came this far.

    "Every four years".

  2. So sorry she didn't make it. That is awesome she is working so hard for the next one.. GO Angela~

  3. Sorry she didn't make it but I can't wait to see if she goes next time! Go Angela!

  4. Thanks everyone! We are very proud of her too! She worked hard!


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