Saturday, August 21, 2010


You can tell I'm out of school now, because I've had time to play with my camera! That means less wordy blogs, and more pictures. When you get bored with pictures and want more words, holler, k?

Anyway, Angela's good friend Jasmine had her 15th birthday party last night. How is that my daughter's friends are so old? Oh yeah, Angela keeps reminding me that on her next birthday SHE will be 15. (insert shuddering mom image here!) She got dressed for the party, but wanted me to take her picture before we left. She's such a poser! First, all I could get was this:

Those of you who know Angela, or who have been reading here long enough to get an idea of what a *goof she is, know this is very much NOT her! So I just stood there not talking. I knew within about 30 seconds she would get bored and start acting like herself. 

Do I know my kid or what?

*Previously I had said, "What a "twit" she is. And my good friend Tamara made a comment about it. Since it was my good friend Tamara, AND she commented TWICE about it, I HERE, the word "twit" has always been used as "silly" or "goofy", but given Tamara's response, I looked it up., which calls for another blog post!


  1. Nice ones! lol - don't call her a Twit!!! :-)

  2. When did she grow up? I still picture the firecracker in my Junior Trainers class...

    Great shots.

  3. Yes, when in doubt, ALWAYS refer back to the British definition of words. After all, WE originated the English language. :P


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