Monday, May 17, 2010

Ride for Wishes

The Sixth Annual Ride for Wishes (aka Chuck's Ride) is this Saturday, May 22nd. If you're a biker, PLEASE JOIN US ON THE RIDE! I promise, you won't be disappointed!!!!

If you're not a rider, there's stuff for you too! I think the coolest part for the kids is to be at the VFW when all the bikes come rolling in. The thunder is incredible when there are 300+ bikes!

A word of warning, if you're driving in the area at that time, you're SOL! The fire department closes Robert Street for however long it takes for the group to get from the Capitol to the VFW in West St. Paul road I think last year it took about 15 minutes.

Back to the event: There will be NINE...count 'em NINE bands playing over the course of the day. There is a bike show (I might actually enter Nooner and Spank this year, still haven't decided.) Lots of celebrities show up, too.  And just FUN FUN FUN!!!  Can you tell this is my most favorite event of the entire year?????

CLICK HERE for more details!!! 

In the meantime, here's some pictures from the last two years.

1 comment:

  1. Yep. I sat for about 10 minutes at a stop light waiting for all these bikers to go past last year. Although it was pretty cool to be able to pick your bike out of the crowd.

    Have fun this year.



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