Saturday, April 10, 2010

While I'm away

While I'm away, Dean has been in charge of the house. Ok, Dean is always in charge of the house, but-well you know what I mean!

The other day he helped Angela get ready for school, and for the first time ever he put a pony tail in someone's hair. Then tonight on skype (which was yesterday morning for him) he did it again so I could see! Today he took Angela to her swim meet. She was so excited to have her "big guy Dean" taking her. I can't wait to hear how she did. I just wanted to point out that while I'm away Dean has been the best dad EVER, and Angela is thrilled to have him there. We do love our Dean!

He has skyped with me every night, shared some tears with me, and listened to me pour my heart out about some of the things I've experienced in the past week. How it happened that God blessed me with this man, I'll never know, but a blessing he is!

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