Monday, April 19, 2010


PLEASE someone call CNN or someone for us. The US Embassy is of NO HELP to us at all! In fact, they're downright ugly! Meanwhile, the news is showing forgeingers trapped in the US getting all kinds of help!!! Mayday Mayday! Tell news contacts we are staying at the Hotel Budapest in Sofia.

The internet at hour hotel has been hacked, so they've made arrangements for us to walk to another hotel (the Princess) and use their wifi, which is where we are, but only for the next hour. We have a disabled child with a heart condition who is very ill. We need to get OUT of here!

PLEASE someone call CNN or someone for us. The US Embassy is of NO HELP to us at all! In fact, they're downright ugly! Meanwhile, the news is showing forgeingers trapped in the US getting all kinds of help!!! Mayday Mayday! Tell news contacts we are staying at the Hotel Budapest in Sofia.


  1. I wrote a bulgarian paper yesterday...i'll keep thinking

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I wanted you to know that I have contacted the media. I pray that someone will be able to help you all get home safely & soon!!!!!!!


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!