Friday, April 16, 2010

The plan

Ok, so we don't *really* have a plan, but we have a schedule. Is that the same thing? I dunno!

We're going to try to check into our Sunday morning flight online tomorrow morning. (which is really just a few hours away for us!) and see what happens. If we're going to get stuck somewhere, we'd rather it's in Frankfurt because then it's on the airline's tab, not ours!

Then, later in the morning, we're being picked up by.....ok I forgot the guy's name, but I promise he's very nice! Anyway, he's going to take us around the city so I can get some pictures of a few things I've needed to get some pictures of. It won't be for very long though, because we need to get back here and load up these suitcases again!

Yes, that's right, load up the suitcases. All this stuff needs to be brought to the church where we'll be meeting with the families tomorrow afternoon.

We're very excited about the meeting, and we're also anxious to get home. It's been a long, exhausting couple of weeks, and we're ready for our own beds, and our families. Shelley is ready to get Kullen home so he doesn't think that living in a hotel is what he'll be doing for the rest of his life, and I'm ready to get home to my family and all that life has in store for us over the next few months. That, and my final exams.


  1. Praying that you have a safe trip home. As a mom to a beautiful 16 month old little boy who has Down Syndrome, I have to tell you that looking at your orphanage photos literally pains me. It is absolutely heartbreaking to think of the suffering that those poor children endure. I really had no idea, that in this day & age, that people would even consider institutionalizing a person, simply because they had Down Syndrome. These children are not burdens, but blessings. God bless you for all that you are doing to try to help them.

  2. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Not to mess up your plan or anything, but I heard on the news that because the cancellations are due to natural causes the airlines aren't paying for hotels or anything so you'd be stuck in the airport in Frankfurt. But if you can get into Frankfurt why wouldn't you be able to get out of Frankfurt?

    I see you're using your down time to redecorate. I like it!


  3. progress is progress! take it anyway you can. I can totally relate to the "I'm-stuck-here-and-I-really-want-to-be-home-and-be-with-my-kids-and-husband-now" mentality. Adoption from a foreign country is so much more than picking up the kid or the court or the wait. These are the things that make it really hard but as a veteran of these things - they pass and when you are home you have such wonderful things to tell of.


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