Friday, April 16, 2010

I never paid attention in high school

Where they heck was I in high school? Why didn't I ever pay attention in Science or geography?

Shelley and I are taking a crash course in Geography. How far can we go by land until we hit water? We can take a train to Spain, but not France because they are having a TRAIN STRIKE! Do you HEAR THAT PEOPLE? A train strike.

We could fly to Africa, which would take us into one of those MIDDLE Eastern countries, and we're pretty sure IRAQ has flights coming and going on a regular basis. Yeah, that sounds like a GREAT PLAN!

If we could go East, through China or Japan, then we could fly into the US via California. I could then honestly say I'd been AROUND THE WORLD!


  1. Wow! I have been busy and just ready all your recent posts now. What are you going to do to get home? I bet the airports are a nightmare with flights being cancelled and re-routed. I hope you get home in time for finals but I'm sure your teachers would understand if you can't!

    Can I have the phone number for that pizza place...looks like the perfect size for my family!!!

  2. You can come all the way to Johannesburg South Africa. That way, I can personally meet you! You can even stay over at my house if you need a place.


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