Sunday, April 25, 2010


I arrived home at around 11:00 last night. That was a total of 23 hours of flight time, and the rest is various airports around the world, with a grand total of 51 hours of travel time! It was heavenly to see Dean and Angela again, and i only cried a tiny bit.

Last night i got to bed about midnight, but I didn't sleep well at all. I kept waking up disoriented, trying to figure out where I was; I really didn't know! Finally I'd come to just enough to remember I was in my own bedroom, and go back to sleep. Dean said I finally started snoring around 4:30 this morning so he knew I was finally sleeping. We were up and out the door by 8:00a, and I felt pretty good.

But the rest of today I'm in bed. i'm not actually DOING anything here, like sleeping or anything, I'm just HERE! Dean and I had to run a several-hour errand this morning, and Angela is spending the day with her dad, so when we got home I decided to go curl up in my own bed.My internal clock says it's around 1:00 pm, so I was a little shocked a minute ago to see the clock says 6:00 pm. I had to confirm with Dean that my bedside clock has not been tampered with, and it is, indeed, 6;00 p.m.

No, I'm not taking phone calls today. There is really too much to tell and I just don't have the energy for those conversations right now. Later this week I'll blog more about it, but for now, I'm ready to call it a night.

Good night everyone!


  1. Glad to hear that you are taking care of you!!!

  2. This is Joyce, So glad you finally arrived home safely. Such an adventure you have been on. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

  3. Glad to hear you are home safe and sound. Relaxing and taking it easy and getting accustomed to your surroundings sounds like a great plan. Can't wait to hear more about your journey and see pics when you are up to it. Lots of love from my family to yours...glad you are HOME :).

  4. So glad to hear you are HOME!! I'm sure Dean and Angela are super excited to have you home.


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