Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Back from the Embassy

Several people are emailing us about various flights, etc. We're done choosing flights. Actually, when we got to the Embassy they had *just* received an email about a flight leaving in 2 hours for London, then on to Boston. For about 3 seconds we were tempted to jump on it, but not really any longer than that! While it would be good to get out of dodge today, and there was some savings in price, the airspace around London and the West Coast of Europe is too unstable. Should the volcano spew again we'd be stuck...yet again. We decided to stick with our plan to head East, and enter the US on the West coast. And, Shelley and I will be traveling together all the way to Chicago, so only one very short flight where we don't have company. We would also still have had to find flights out of Boston with only a couple hours notice, which would have gotten very expensive! Besides all of that, to say that we are a little gun-shy right now would be an understatement!

We sent the Embassy counselor away with my credit cards, as Shelley and I have been shuffling money around to various accounts to get everything covered. The counselor came back with three tickets, but only two had been paid for-Shelley and Kullen's. My other card wouldn't go through. Although I was in contact with my bank yesterday to have them lift the limit on my card, and was assured it was all taken care of so I could purchase tickets today, it wouldn't go through. I tried not to loose my cool, as my fuse feels very short right now! And I didn't really have anyone to loose my cool WITH, since I can't call my bank in the middle of the Minnesota night! LOL The Embassy is holding my card until my bank opens in the states and I can find out what the problem is. As soon as I get the all clear I can call the Embassy so they can run my card again. I'm sure the kink will get worked out, it's just one more little frustration to test just where my limits are.


  1. SO happy you will soon be flying home. All away around the world-wow!

    Hope this kink gets worked out fast.

    I love reading all your updates and about the whole trip so far. It has been interesting!

  2. GULP, I know what you mean, we flew on 9/12....Dublin to UK but still, it was scary as an American. Especially when someone asked me some weird questions as we waited for the flight that my husband later decided could no way have been who they said they were (someone affiilated with the airlines).

    We had inadvertently changed our flights to the states literally HOURS before 9/11 flights, after prolonged debate about whether we should stay the five extra days.

    Turns out we were one of the first flights to LA out of London after air travel resumed. But the short flight the morning after from Durbin was much more nervewracking for me.


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