Monday, April 26, 2010

Almost refreshed

Last night I fell asleep shortly after 6:00, and woke up at 4:00 this morning to see Dean off to work, then sat down to upload my camera, do some blogging, and just poke around the house a little bit. Dean called a little while after he left saying, "It's so nice to be able to just call you!"

Yesterday we had to make the drive out to Kimball, so we had lots of time to discuss the adoption of "M", and all the things that come with it. The doubts that everyone has as they go through the process, the stresses that come into play, the effects on Angela, and of course, the money involved. I'm not *too* worried about the money...yet. Only because with all the adoption blogs I read, the money seems to come from somewhere when God decides it should! I'm sure somewhere along the way I'll need to be reminded of that! Our immediate need is to come up with the money to get the homestudy started, which will be $2500, and we will need another chunk of cash to formally commit to the adoption.

Well, lets back up the train a bit. "M" has been listed on Reece's Rainbow for awhile, but when we were visiting her, we were told she was no longer in the adoption registry. (meaning she is no longer available for adoption.) That's because her caseworker didn't feel she was adoptable, so she was removed. I told our contact there that I knew we could find a family for "M". We actually discussed lots of different children, and I stated several times that we can't find families if the families don't know the child exists. If the children aren't registered (the only way we're allowed to post their pictures and information) they will NEVER find families. Hopefully we'll get more children registered so they can be spared a horrible fate.

Dean and I are trying agree on "M's" new name. I have one in mind, but Dean isn't so sure about it. Once we have a name, and we're given the O.K, I'll start a separate adoption blog so all of that information will be there.


  1. So glad you are home safe and sound. Anxious to here more about "m". Praying for you and your family as you embark on this journey!!

  2. Oops - forgot to leave my name - Maureen(from downsyn).

  3. Leah! I am so stinking excited for you and look forward to following you on your journey!!!

  4. Leah! I am so stinking excited for you and look forward to following you on your journey!!!


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