Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What I did today

This has been a really...and I mean really....long day. Since January 1st, it's very rare that I've made it to bed before 2:30-3:00 a.m. And then I'm up for the day somewhere between 7-8:00 a.m. Really. I hope you're doing the math!!! Because yes, that's an average of 4-5 1/2 hrs of sleep every night. Those who know me well understand why I can't remember anything anymore!

Last night I fell asleep on the couch at 9:00, and at 10:00 moved myself to the bedroom, determined to get up early and work on my algebra homework. I have a lot to do before I leave for my trip. I wanted to get it all done before I go, but that's not going to happen. I'll have to teach myself two chapters while I'm gone. (this needs a lot of prayer!!!)

Here's what today was like:

4:15 a.m: Woke up. Not sure why, but once I was awake I was aware of a young lady talking at the top of her lungs in the basement bedroom. Went down at told her to go back to sleep.

4:20: Sat down at the table and opened up my math work.

4:30: Let the barking dogs in. Apparently there were scary critters in the woods, but we don't need the dogs waking up all the neighbors.

5:00: Said goodbye to Dean as he headed to work.

5:30: Gave up on my math, deciding instead to visit the tutor after I drop Angela off at school.

5:35: Back in bed and instantly asleep.

7:50: Angela woke me up frustrated that she couldn't get the TV turned on. (this system is far too complicated for her! It would help if everyone would turn stuff off the same way every time!)

7:55: Dogs back outside.

8:00: Got myself in the shower. (aka my decompression chamber.)

8:15: Dogs back in.

8:30: Angela teeth and hair done, meds given. Got my stuff together for the day.

8:45: Out the door

9:00: Dropped Angela off at school. Remembered softball practice started today, and realized she's going to miss a lot while I'm out of town. Wondered if this is going to be an issue. Stopped for a starbucks because I haven't had one in forever and I wanted on B.A.D!

9:20: Arrive at tutor and struggle through the chapter.


1:45: Back to the tutor to finish the chapter

3:10: Later than normal, but I have more time today because Angela has softball practice. Pack up books and head for home. (if you're counting, that's 6 hours I spent on math, and I'm still not done. AND I have three times that left to do either before Monday or while I'm on the trip!)

3:25: Arrive home to find behavior specialist walking down the driveway. And Angela isn't home because...you know...she has softball practice. Glad Dean is home because the B.S. (ha!) was able to meet with him, which he probably needs more than I do at the moment. Not that I don't need help figuring out Angela, but I've had 13 years of knowing her, and Dean is still learning the ropes. AND...he's going to have her part of the time I'm out of town. Spent 25 minutes chatting with B.S. through the car window.

4:00 in the house, books open to start on research paper.

5:30: Angela home from softball practice. She was obviously tired, and sat down with a toy catalog to circle stuff that her invisible friends want.

5:40: Phone call from doctor's office. Umm....I don't remember what it was about. Oh yeah...her annual thyroid results (normal) and seizure med levels (also normal)

6:00: Dean too Angela to the car wash while I kept working.

6:15: put a pizza in the oven for a nutritious, well-balanced meal.

6:30: Dean and Angela home to eat, I'm still working on paper.

7:30: Angela and Dean watching TV together while I stay in the recliner working on paper. Once in awhile I grab a piece of pizza to eat while I work.

8:15: Time to tuck Angela into bed and read a book. Hopefully tonight she'll sleep better!

8:30: Back to work on paper

1:o0 a.m. I can't believe I finished my research paper! This is a MAJOR piece of work no longer on my shoulders while I'm gone! Tomorrow I'll ask my professor to clarify a couple things about APA style, then make corrections and turn it in on Friday. (it's not due until the 15th, but I'll still be out of town.)

I have lost count how many hours I spent on homework today. I think it's somewhere around 14. UGH!

Going on this trip while being a full-time student is very stressful! This weekend, not only did I work on math, but I also packed up a gazzillion soaker pads that sold on my sale last week, sorted and packed the stuff flying with me to Serbia/Bulgaria. Packed up 3 boxes to be shipped to Bulgaria tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning will be much like today. I'll be back at the tutor as soon as I drop Angela off at school, and will be there most of the day. Take a break when she gets home from softball until her bedtime, then back at it until who knows when. Weds and Thurs repeat. Friday there's no school, but I have PLENTY TO DO before I leave on Monday morning!


  1. I don't envy you with all that homework! yuck!

  2. I feel you on the lack of sleep!

    Thanks so much for your comment on my blog. I completely agree with everything you said. I think a lot of the difference is just the way that men and women handle things. I'm a talker (hence my blog), and it works better if I can get things out in some way. Darren, not so much...

    I'm very excited to be following your blog. I think you left a comment on my book blog, on my Gifts review, but then I got sidetracked by having a baby (LOL!) and never made it here to comment. Most of my online DS friends have small kids and I'm looking forward to hearing about your experiences.


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!