Monday, March 08, 2010

Finals, airline tickets, international travel....oh my!

It's finally becoming a reality. Shelley's court date for her adoption is next week on the 16th. As soon as court is done and we're given the OK, we can book our flights!

The dates we're looking at now will having me missing 2 weeks of classes, and get me home just in time for finals week. (while recovering from jet lag!) For one class, I will only miss 2 sessions. So far that professor seems fine about me going (maybe even a little excited for me?) But we have a group project going on. I don't know what we'll have to be doing for our final, but I'm hoping my part involves a lot of writing because I can do that while in Bulgaria, and if need be I can email it to one of my group members.

Another class is all writing. I have 3 papers due, plus a research paper as my final. I'm going to try to have all of them done before I leave. I *should* be able to do this if I manage my time well!

Today I started a new class, and THAT professor is not happy that I'll be gone. His first argument was that it was going to mess up my financial aid, so I checked in with student services and they said no, it wouldn't. If I was dropping the class completely it would, but just being gone would not be a problem. I ran back down to the professor and let him know, who responded with, "What's the deadline to drop the class?" In other words, "Drop the class because I don't want to deal with it." There will be two chapters covered while I'm gone, which I could work on while I'm in Bulgaria (Sorry Shelley, but I'll be having the lights on till all hours of the night!) Then the final as soon as I get back. (have I mentioned I'll be suffering from jet lag while taking finals???) This situation needs a lot prayer. I don't have a problem missing the class, and I'm confident in my ability to keep up during those two weeks. My professor, on the other hand, isn't so happy. I need prayer about how to deal with him. Don't get me wrong, he seems like a really nice guy, and is very pleasant, but he has his limits.

Serbia: Have I mentioned that Shelley and I will be making a little stop in Serbia? Yeah, just a little one! LOL You know...hop on over to Serbia for a couple days of R & R ! HA!!! More details on that soon. Lets just say I'm also praying I can get my new camera before I go, cuz I'm gonna NEED IT!!!!!


  1. BTW--you do have a current passport already right?

  2. Leah, I just wanted to stop by and tell you how much your comment meant to me (on my post about the facebook friend who used the word "retard"). I really appreciate what you shared...

  3. Kathie: Yep, I've had a passport for a long time, and it doesn't expire for 2 more years.

    Lisa: Thanks for dropping by! I went over to your blog and it doesn't look familiar. Did I comment on FB or on your blog? LOL


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