Friday, March 19, 2010



Do you see that picture, right there? ---------------------------->

Do you know what it is? It used to be called a Haberman Feeder, but the name has been changed to "Special Needs Feeder". These special bottles were designed for babies with cleft lips and palates, or who have low stamina for sucking due to a heart defect, or, like babies with Down syndrome, maybe have limited strength.

These little bottles are quite expensive! But, if you had a baby with Down syndrome or some other health condition and used one of these, you know just how helpful they are. They weren't developed until after Angela was born, but I think I would have done back flips to get my hands on one if they had been around.

The are produced by the Madela company, and it is a generous one! The have donated 72 feeders to Connecting the Rainbow! What a blessing these will be to families with new babies! We'll also be brining some to the orphanage in Serbia, AND save some for our first Ukraine trip coming later this year!

Thank you so much to the Madela company!

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful! What a giant blessing! What a great company!


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