Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Some pictures from Boston

I sure don't like the pictures my cell phone takes. Unfortunately I didn't think to bring my cameral along! Anyway, my friend Kathleen picked us up and brought us to the Boston Commons (I think that's where we were! LOL) and we really had a nice time. Here's some pictures from the night.

The horse-drawn carriages. This was around 6:30 at night, and the horses looked exhausted.

The tree in Boston Commons. I could only get part of it!
Looking down Boston Commons (I think! LOL) The pictures don't do it justice.
"Cheers" Need I say more???


  1. Leah we visited Faneuil Hall in Boston not the Boston Common.


  2. LOL So you went to Faneuil Hall?! I love that place. I love Boston! We went for the convention there last year and we all walked over to Faneuil Hall too.

    Hope Angela is back in the swing of things soon!

  3. BTW you should have went to the real Cheers! Us girls all went when we were there ... so fun!


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