Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Visual perception skills

Everyone sees things differently. How do YOU see things?

Here's the directions:
1) go watch the video linked below. But ONLY WATCH IT ONCE! PROMISE? While watching, count how many times the WHITE TEAM passes the ball. ONLY count the WHITE TEAM'S PASSES.
3) come back here, and in the comments post how many passes you saw. Different people have different perceptual skills. So, to avoid wrecking the game, please post ONLY the number of passes you saw, and NOTHING ELSE.
4) I'll come back tonight an post the answer.

Did you read the directions thoroughly? You're only watching it ONCE, and you're only posting how many passes the white team makes and NOTHING else, right? Ok...now, go here and watch the video.


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!