Saturday, November 14, 2009

Praise the Lord!

Do you remember my post a few days ago, about little Lera? She was literally DAYS from being transferred to an institution, where she would quickly deteriorate, and eventually die. Never knowing the love of a family. A mother's love whispered in her ear, or a lullaby at night. The only thing to save her from this fate is if someone came forward and made a commitment to adopt her.

I'm thrilled to announce that Lera has a family!!!! Meet Lera's new family! Then, follow along on their journey over the next few months as they work to bring Lera home. Lera's family has 4 biological children, which includes a set of twins. One has DS, and the other does not. They know from experience that raising a child with DS is not the curse some doctors try to convince you of. Instead it is a blessing, and a gift.

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