Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Ok, so I am the least patient person I know. Yesterday I called Boston Children's and was told, "The Dr. PROMISED me he'd have the appointment dates on my desk TONIGHT before he leaves for a national conference. I'll be able to call you tonight or tomorrow morning with your appointment date."

Then, early this morning, I had a dream that our appointment is next week on Thursday. I woke with adrenaline-induced shakes, then realized I'd been dreaming. (I hate that!)

But I never got a call last night. And now it's today, and it's no longer morning in Boston. So, I called! And they're CLOSED today because of the holiday. Why didn't the secretary tell me that yesterday (my kid is in school, why isn't the clinic open???) So, I wonder if I'll EVER get called?

1 comment:

  1. oooh - I hate that! Just reinforces my belief that all pc helpline personel say, " restart your computer" and all nurses say, " the dr promised...I will call you back first thing in the morning" no matter what the issue is.

    You can only really depend on the Great Pumpkin, ya know?


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