Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I know THE REAL Santa!

If you weren't reading here last year, then you don't know this fact. I know THE REAL Santa Claus! No, really! I met him just one year ago while doing a very long-run performance in Anoka. (seriously, I think we had 19 performances. It was LONG!) That's where I met him. Yeah, we're tight now, me and him. I know all kinds of secret thing about his place up north! Not tell'in though, so don't ask. And, because of my vow to secrecy, he helped me with a project, and I was able to video record him sending a personal message to my friend Shelley's kids.

Well, Santa just emailed me today, to let me know that he, along with Prancer, are back in town doing some pre-Christmas visits. (Rudolph is still resting up. He has a bit of a cold, and his nose doesn't shine quite as bright when he's all stuffed up, so he's at home using his Nettie pot.)
If you're in the twin cities area, and want to know his schedule, just drop me a note and I'll let you know where he is. In the meantime, here's Angela's visit with him last year. (Holy Cow, I cannot believe how much she's changed in the past year!!!!)

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