Saturday, October 10, 2009

What did YOU do Friday night?

Ummm...I hate to admit this, but I hung out at Sad, I know.


  1. Oh my, I can't believe I spent most of my Shabbat morning lookingthrough that site!

    Thanks for the link!

  2. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Haha. At least you were on the other end of that website!! Better to be looking at it on a Friday night, then to be ending up IN it!

    I was right there with you. I can actually admit, with only a tinge of embarrassment, that I have the peopleofwalmart feed delivered directly to my google reader! It's such a great dose of hilarity in my day! ~Courtney

  3. This is Joyce. Thanks a lot for taking over an hour of my morning!!I had to stop though once I got to an outfit that looks like something I might wear. OH and how about the deer hanging out of the trunk of the Ford escort - honey I've got dinner:) even stopped to get some veggies to go with it:):):)

  4. Friday night I watched my 44 year old husband earn his gold belt in Karate. He's going for black.


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!