Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Her own style

Angela has her own style of bowling, and this year she's finally become pretty accurate! She really wants to win a medal at the state tournament, so I've been explaining to her that in order for that to happen, she has to actually LOOK at the pins! LOL Well, she's finally throwing throwing the ball consistently, and her score goes up a little every week. We're hoping she can break 100 for the tournament in 2 weeks. Oh, and not only does she have a unique way of throwing the ball, but she likes to celebrate afterward too! LOL


  1. Anonymous8:11 PM

    my friend's mom used to bowl like that, and we had to stop laughing at her because she always did better than anyone else!

  2. Well, Angela is sure doing better with her unique style than I ever did! :-)

  3. well, she can sure knock down the pins. you go girl!

  4. Great bowling!!! Love the dancing.


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