Thursday, October 01, 2009

31 for 21

GetitDown; 31 for 21

Here we are again. October. The smells of fall have finally arrived to Minnesota. The weather has gotten cooler, school is in full swing, and Angela can now legitimately talk about Halloween. (She started in June!)

October is also Down Syndrome Awareness Month. For the past 3 years, Tricia over at Unringing The Bell is heading up the 31 for 21 blog challenge. During this challenge, those of us who have an interest in the Down syndrome community commit to blogging every day during the month of October to raise awareness about DS.

In past years, I haven't always made my posts DS related. Why? Because my life is not ALL about DS. (though I'm sure sometimes it seems like it!) My life has many facets, the world of Down syndrome being just one of them. I don't know what I'm going to do this year, but I do know that I'm commited to the 31 for 21 challenge. If you'd like to join us, please visit Unringing the Bell for more details.

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