Friday, September 04, 2009

Meet Adeen!

This is Adeen (pronounced "Ah deen"), which is Russian for "one". In this picture he's just 2 hours old.

Why this unusual name? Because he is the the single puppy born by c-section to our Zurri on September 2nd. And, since I'm supposed to be going to Bulgaria sometime next spring (??? Well, really I have no idea when.) Russian seemed like the right language to use. AND, it's a name I have yet to hear in one of my obedience classes! LOL

Raising a singleton puppy is more work than raising a litter of 8. All the things Adeen should be learning from his litter mates, I'll have to teach him instead. Things like how to handle frustration, meeting lots of people, bite inhibition, and everything in between.

Looks like the next 8 weeks are going to be VERY busy! LOL


  1. Welcome to the world little Adeen! I guess that's why I got a no answer on your phone yesterday. Why c-section? Is Zurri okay?

  2. So what's the latest with mom and pup?


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