Friday, September 18, 2009

Backseat Driver

Yesterday Angela and I went to run a couple of errands. Well, ok, she wasn't sitting in the back, she was in front next to me. Anyway, a car in front of us slowed down, causing Angela to blurt out, "C'mom yady! Where's your signal?"

While I was trying not to laugh, she then hollers, "Hey yady! It's the pedal on da right!"

I don't think Angela will ever be able to drive, road rage would be too big a risk!


  1. Ha! Tell Angela she is welcome to come ride in my car anytime!

  2. LOL, Adam has become a total backseat driver!! The other day he said to me "come on Mom the light turned green" and yes it had, but I did have to wait for the cars in front of me :)


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