Thursday, September 10, 2009


I wish I'd seen this before the school year started. Anyway, several years ago Angela had a clear backpack. It was the best backpack we ever owned! Last year I tried to find them online but had no such luck. The cool thing about clear backpacks is you can see EVERYTHING that's inside without having to dig around, including those little items lost at the bottom.

Well, my friend Teri posted about them a few weeks ago. And here they are! BACK! If your kid still needs a new backpack for school, I highly recommend these. Angela's lasted for three years, before one of the seams started to wear out. It was easily wiped off and looking new again with hardly any effort at all!

Here's a picture of Angela with her clear backpack. Ummm...I think this one is from 4 years ago? (first day of school and she was NOT happy with me standing at the bus stop with her. Can you tell?)


  1. oh! that is the look I get from Caeli when I am interfering with her plans! After all, she CAN DO IT!Or so she tells me.

  2. I love that pic. I think I even remember you posting it on downsyn. She is so cute. She's still cute but she has changed SO much!


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