Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tracking your kid

Last spring I heard helicopters off in the distance. It was clear there was more than one, and they were close by. It was very odd. A few minutes later our phone rang. It was an automated call from our local police department, stating that a child was lost in the neighborhood, and gave the location of where he was last seen and what the circumstances were. (He'd just gotten off the school bus about 20 yards from their house.)  It gave his physical description, what he was last wearing, his age, and also that he was developmentally disabled. 

The searched for a couple of hours, particularly around a pond located just a block from the family home.  My heart ached for that family. Finally, around 9:30 that night, the boy was located at a local pizza place about 3 miles from his home. 

How many of you, raising a child with a disability, have lived with that fear?

Angela has been a lot better about wandering off over the past year, but there are still times she gets a notion in her head, and off she goes! So far, it's just been to the neighbors, and if I haven't caught her before she gets there, they always call to let me know she just showed up. 

But, I'm waiting for that one time that she decides to go elsewhere. Or, my biggest fear, that someone asks her "Hey little girl, want to go for a ride in my car?" Because she'd be in that car faster than you could blink. 

Here's a new AmberAlert GPS tracking system on the market. This system has a lot of functions, but one of them is a "Safezone". Meaning if your child gets out of a certain range, you'll be notified. It has a speed setting. You know, if the unit is moving faster than 30 mph you know your kid has just gotten into a car!

It's not cheap, but if your kid is a wanderer, I think it would be worth it. If you have waivered services money you could use that as well. Anyway, take a look!


  1. Leah, we looked into many tracking devices for our Annie (7 years old). The GPS devices worried us because they rely on satellites and are not reliable inside buildings or even in some weather conditions. We chose a different type of transmitter that also has a perimeter monitor (Care Trak) and now when our little "angel" wonders from our property we hear an alarm. She is also registered with the local Sheriff's dept in case she wonders from school or camp. We can use it anywhere in the world because her transmitter can be picked up with our receiver. We take it on vacation with us and on family outings. The peace of mind is wonderful!
    Rockledge, FL

  2. I've been looking into these devices for about 6 months now. This is one of my biggest of my boys getting lost, and not being able to communicate properly to get help.

    One thing about this one that intrigued me....the "monitoring" function. Does that mean you can listen in where ever your child is? Like, if the boys are wearing them in school, then I can push a button and hear what's happening in the clasroom?????? Now THAT would be worth the money!

  3. That sends chills up my spine at the thought of a missing child. I never realized they call neighbors to report a missing don't live that far from me but I never received one, thankfully! I used to worry more about Ricky wandering but he's gotten a bit more responsible although I still wouldn't trust him outside on his own! The neighbors are all so good about keeping an eye on him too but that tracking device sure sounds nice for those that are prone to wander.

    Thanks for your words of encouragement/advice on my blog re: upcoming surgeries. Sounds like deviated septums are pretty common but the surgery sounds kind of rough! I had to chuckle at the word verification you had!!


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