Saturday, June 20, 2009

Taking the gold

Yesterday was the state Special Olympics track meet. Angela and the rest of the RAVE team did a FANTASTIC job, bringing home  LOTS of medals!

Waiting for her next race

She's more concerned about smiling for the camera than she is her race! LOL

But she still took the gold!!! The finish line is right in front of the grand stand, and Angela turned to the stands full of fans and did this pose, because surely they were all cheering for HER! LOL This picture is so classic of Angela's personality!

Lining up for the relay. From 50 yards away she can hear me, but isn't exactly sure where I am. Her main concern is making sure I'm watching. LOL

And they took the bronze! They did a FANTASTIC job! They took 2nd place in their division, which happens to be mostly adults! 



  1. Great job Angela!!!

  2. what a wonderful job Angela!!! looks like such a day!

  3. HI leah
    I love your blog. I was so proud of angela and her medal.I had been thinking about special olympics and tarek for sure we will participating in some sport.
    see you later
    Cecilia M.

  4. YEA!!!!!!! Angela. I am just cathcing up because I have been gone. So cool you got the gold medal. You are the champ. Good running!!!!


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