Friday, June 05, 2009

So easy, yet preventable

Things like this happen every day, and these drivers are every biker's worst nightmare. Here's how it happens:

You're sitting in your car on the highway, or busy street, waiting to make a left turn. There is oncoming traffic, so you wait for the cars to pass, then make your turn.

But what you didn't see was the motorcycle behind the last car. 

While most bikers try their best to be in the best position for visibility, (and this changes second by second.) it's not their responsibility to be seen, it's YOUR responsibility to see THEM. Most people start to make their turn AS the other car is passing them, but if they wait until the car is all the way past, they'd avoid this type of crash. 

In the article I mentioned above, some of the problem is the driver's inexperience. But it can happen to anyone, and it does! The number one person it happens to is 30 year old women, and most of the time they're talking on their cell phone.

Cell phones are our other big fear. I've long since lost count the number of times people (usually women) have narrowly missed me while changing lanes while talking on the phone. And unless I've "made them aware" of their error, they drive off totally unaware that they almost left my child motherless.

From now on, whenever I see an article about a motorcycle crash that could have been prevented, I'm going to post a couple of videos about it. Please don't ignore them. Please watch them. It just might save someone's life!

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