Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Does this move you to tears?

7 year old Gina has Autism. You know, a word many parents fear, and many had to face that fear head on. But Gina has an amazing gift...she has a voice. The child who's parents worried she might never talk now blesses others with her sweet sound. Listen, while she sings The Star Spangled Banner at an NBA playoff game. 

And I have to say, I love her little toe thing! You know, just a little girl up there, singing her heart out in front of several thousand people.

1 comment:

  1. as someone who works with kids with autism, i had chills the entire time!!!!! Can I send your blog link to my autism message board peeps? They'd LOVE to see this. What a sweet girl. and the look on the cheerleader's face at the end was priceless. She was clearly thinking "WOW! big voice for a tiny girl"


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