Saturday, June 06, 2009

The Celebration

Yesterday we celebrated Angela's birthday with her friends. She decided she wanted to see a play, so we took two of her friends (and one mom) to see "Ramona" and the Children's Theater Company of Minneapolis. Angela and I were particularly excited to see this, as our friend Katie was playing the role of "Susan".

When Adam arrived, he had a surprise for Angela.  He wasn't sure what to do with it, so he handed her and gave her "knuckles". LOL

His mom Monica instructed  him how to put it on properly. Adam took his job very seriously!

He checked to make sure it was on the right way.

Angela wasn't quite sure what to think. She was quite taken by the whole experience. 

Then they posed for a picture together. Angela told Adam she wants him to be her husband.

Then we went to pick up Angela's friend Tanya. Angela didn't know there was a surprise waiting for her there. Tanya's mom Jane made an AMAZING peanut butter PIRATE cake! 

We opened presents first. Angela loved all of them! Adam gave her this Darth Vader shirt. Angela has been asking for one over a year now, since she saw Adam wearing one. LOL

Adam also gave her this High School Musical card. The kind that plays music. You know the whole thing about "give a kid a box and they'll play with it for hours." thing. Well, I've heard this card about 5 bazillion times today! LOL

Adam's mom gave Angela these STRIPED ear rings! Perfect, since Angela is obsessed with stripes.

And a couple of striped shirts as well. Angela's going to be looking fine in all her stripes this summer!

Tanya gave her this picture taken last week when we all went to the Minnesota Twins game together. It's a great picture!

And what would a birthday be without singing "Happy Birthday!"?

After cake, it was time for us to go to the play! Here's one last picture before we left. Doesn't everyone look nice, all dressed up for a night at the theater?


  1. Swww, happy birthday Angela!

  2. looks like a great day for Angela!

  3. OMG!!! HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY!!!! I love your dress and the cake is so cool and you got to celebrate with Adam. What a great day. I Love the pictures. You look beautiful.

  4. Happy 13th Birthday Angela!! We had so much fun with you!!

  5. Happy belated birthday to Angela! Sounds like a wonderful celebration -

  6. Happy Belated Birthday to Angela! What a cool party!!

    Love your blog, Leah! My Emma was born on June 7th, she just turned three.

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