Friday, May 01, 2009

When he's good, he's very very good

A week ago he was suicidal, entered the hospital and started on meds.  That was Tuesday last week. By Saturday when we went to visit him he was already thinking much more clear. The real Tyler was showing. His incredibly quick sense of humor, his intelligence, but mostly his smile and ability to think clearly.

I still pushed for inpatient commitment, since I know his history. A few days off meds and he'd be back to where he was to enter the hospital. We went court, got a 6 month stay of commitment, and big long list of stipulations he has to abide by in order to stay out of an inpatient facility. 

Today he called me to let me know how his intake with the outpatient program went, (and that he starts on Monday) then said, "And you know what? I came out and realized the adult learning program is right across the street! So, I went in and filled out the paperwork to enter classes starting next week, made requests for my old transcripts and IEP's, so I can get my GED once and for all. (actually, I think because he's not yet 21, and only has a few credits left he'll still be able to get a diploma.) AND I called my social worker, and told her I wanted to find housing, or a group home, or something. Since I'm going to treatment AND going to school there's no way I can work too, to pay rent. She said she'd help me find a place."

Granted, he may not be able to follow through with all of his plans, and if he doesn't, I'm ok with that. It's his choice, afterall. What thrills me to no end is that he's TRYING to do these things, and doing them ON HIS OWN!! That's more progress in 3 days then he's made in the past THREE YEARS put together!!!

Can you hear me singing the praises of his meds. LOL


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    What a wonderful update!! :)

  2. So happy for Tyler and for you!!! Praying for him and you!

  3. This is awesome news!

  4. That has got to make you smile!!! We will continue to pray for him!!!!!!!!

  5. Wooohooo! So glad to hear he's doing so well!

  6. I'm glad to hear this progress so far. I will continue to pray for him. I know Tyler is NOT a throw away kid. With the right help, supports, training, meds and prayer I believe he can overcome and thrive as an adult. Keep us posted.

  7. That is great! Hope everything works for him that he has plans for.


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