Saturday, May 02, 2009

Making a "cake"

Thanks to my friend Jane, I decided that Angela and I would make a popcorn cake tonight. (I'm not sure if this technically counts as "baking", but I did have to melt stuff!)

First, dump into a very large bowl

10 cups popped popcorn
1 cup M&M's
1 cup candy corn
1/2 cup peanuts
(Do NOT mix the ingredients. Just pour the candies on top of the popcorn, otherwise they'll all settle to the bottom and you'll have a hard time mixing it up later.)

Doesn't this look pretty?

Now, have a buttered pan ready. I used two bread pans and that worked quite well. I think Jane uses a bundt pan.

Next, melt together the following ingredients. As soon as it's melted and mixed it, move fast, and pour over popcorn stuff, and stir together. 

20 Marshmallows
20 Caramels
1/4 cup oil
1/4 cup butter

Very quickly push into your pan(s). Looks like a tasty rainbow, doesn't it?

As soon as it's cooled off you can turn it out of the pan. 

Then it's time to enjoy! It passed Angela's taste test. This weekend will be the last time for quite awhile that she can have popcorn. Monday she gets her braces on so this is kind of "last chance" celebration.


  1. YUM!!!!! I think we're going to have to try that!

  2. Mmmmm,looks yummy! Don't think I can eat that on my diet, tho, ROFL!!!

  3. That does look good - It'll take you a week at the gym to work it off though! :-)

  4. Wow that is some treat.

  5. That looks good!
    I need to write this down for my kids to do this summer!

  6. Yummy!! It looks super good. Good luck with braces. I hope she does well with them.


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