Monday, April 13, 2009

You can find ANYTHING on Craigslist!

I don't know how to put this delicately, but if you have a love one who is in the last days of her battle with Breast Cancer, you can save a couple thousand dollars on this casket! I'm only 1/2 teasing here. A casket normally costs several thousand dollars, and this one is only listed for $1,000. And, it's not used!


  1. I am amazed at the great deals I get on Craigslist, although I am not in the market for a casket just yet!

  2. By the way...I love how Angela's bedroom turned out! Ricky would love to see it someday...he is such a fan of pirates!!

  3. This is Joyce. Does the price include shipping? It is amazing what is out there isn't it.

  4. umm-- OK....

    a little odd!


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