Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ye be Warned!

The room is done, with the final paint details being completed yesterday. We're moving stuff down there today while Angela is at her dad's, so we can have the big reveal tonight when she comes home. (actually the boys are coming for Easter dinner so I'm making them move that heavy bed down for me. LOL) I CANNOT WAIT to see her face!!!!

The only problem with the reveal is the bedding didn't arrive yet, so the big reveal will have a very funky looking bed. LOL 

The closet isn't done either, as I ran out of money for shelving! Shocked But that will come next week, and then I can move that stuff down as well. 

This whole thing is kind of funny. As with all projects I want to do, Dean thought this idea was nuts. But as he's watched it coming along he's liked it more and more. This morning I got up and discovered he was already downstairs working on the closet doors in that room. "I want it to be just right!" he said. LOL 

I do have one very special person to thank, and that's Tony! Without Tony, this project would NOT have happened! Well, it would have but not anywhere near the way it did! Thanks Tony! (link to follow later.) It's too bad the reveal is happening on Easter Sunday because we really wish Tony could be here for it. 

I also want to thank Tony's wife! He spent an awful lot of time in my basement the last couple of weeks, including a couple late nights and a Saturday, while she was home with the kids. Now Tony has to do a Pirate room for his own kids. LOL

I'll post the video later tonight, so strap on your pirate boots and come back later for a look!

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