Sunday, April 12, 2009

So, who did the amazing artwork?

A few weeks ago, as I was trying to figure out how to create a REAL pirate room for Angela, I came across a muralist by the name of Tony Stafki, who has a business called Walls of Art

I was curious how much it cost to have a whole-room mural done. I really had NO CLUE how much that kind of stuff costs! I told him how it happened that Angela wanted a pirate room so badly, and her misunderstanding and subsequent disappointment after her Make A Wish trip. Tony read the story, and emailed me back. 

People, he GAVE this room to Angela! Out of the goodness of his heart, he felt led to give her this amazing gift! 

I was a little worried about how the room would turn out. I mean, yeah...there are pictures of his artwork on his site, but still, you just never know. Needless to say, I this room turned out to be far more than I ever imagined it would be. Everything from the ships mast that sits right in the middle of the room, to the port holes with the underwater scenes (my favorite is the whale!) and even Captain Jack Sparrow standing guard at the bow of the ship! 

I cannot say enough good things about Tony and the work that he did. From showing up exactly when he said he would, EVERY time, to staying late a couple of nights when there was a time crunch. Even coming back on a Saturday to make sure everything was *just* right. 

Tony, thank you for making Angela's pirate dream come true!


  1. and he did it pro~bono. What a wonderful thing to do. Will he see this? TONY: AWESOME JOB!!!! You rocked the pirate room man!!!!

  2. I pray he is rewarded TEN fold! THAT is a very nice thing to do! He has NO idea how happy he made that little girl!!!!

  3. What an amazing man!!!


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