Friday, April 17, 2009


Don't ask where I got these, because I don't think I'm supposed to have them. And yet, how can I not share???? These pictures capture Angela's personality 100%, and totally reflect the fact she'll be a teenager in a few very short weeks!


  1. those are great photos! She looks great and so happy!

  2. oh my goodness! Those are fabulous!!! I love them!

  3. Oh - she's growing up way too fast! Those are wonderful pictures - love them -

  4. Oh wow! These are great pictures :). Love the 2nd and 4th!

  5. Okay, those just put a huge smile on my face!!!!!!!!!!! Angela you are too cute!!

  6. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Love them!!! All of them. What great photos of Angela.

  7. Oh what amazing pictures! They really capture her personality!

  8. What great pictures!
    And, can I just say once again that I LOVE her glasses!

  9. I love them as well. She is growing up!

  10. Hi Leah,

    I have been reading through your entire blog in the last few days. I have a biological son who is 13 months old (who is healthy) and am currently pregnant with our second child. With my both pregnancies, I've been scared of having a child with a disability.

    My younger brother was born with Neurofibromatosis and passed away from it when he was 24 years old. While it does not run in our family, and I am not a carrier, I was still scared.

    Reading your blog helped me realize that there is life and good life after having a child with disability. Good life for both the mother/father and the child. Thank you! I am still scared, I guess it is one of those things pregnant women think and worry about, but not nearly as much.

    Oh, and I just wanted to say that I will never use the R-word in my life as I did before. I just never thought of it as being offensive. Never came across anything related to it in the media either...

    If you want, you can check out my blog (which is boring compared to yours) at I actually lifted one of your posts, I hope you do not mind.

    Ok, I am done rumbling... :)


  11. Angela looks so curvy and cute! Is she able to handle the zipper by herself? I think Katie will be in elastic waist pants her whole life!

  12. I have been meaning to comment on these pics from your Downsyn siggy! Good grief, is she beautiful or what!?!?! Look at that hourglass figure. Gorgeous. I love them!


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!