Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Swimming Videos

For those of you who are waiting to see the video of your kids that I took on Sunday, I'll try to get them up tonight. For now, here are a couple of Angela's races! Sadly I didn't get a video of the her relay team. It was the best race of the entire day! Her team took second, and it's hilarious to watch that particular race. 1/2 the athletes are too busy smiling at their cheering fans to actually swim the race. LOL

15 Meter Freestlye. This one they start in the middle of the pool, so their coaches bring them out to the starting point. I love how she cheers for herself at the end! LOL

This one is a hoot! Angela getting one of her awards for the day.

25 Meter Backstroke. This is Angela's most difficult event, and she ALWAYS stops to see where she is, which disqualifies her. This time she didn't stop! WHOO HOO!

25 Meter Freestlye


  1. I can totally see myself in those stands screaming right along with you, Leah, she is AWESOME! I Cannot wait to show Meg these videos, give her a hug and kiss from us for being so AWESOME.

  2. thanks for sharing! I hope my Noah will be swimming like this one day soon!

  3. If anyone is curious as to what I sound like (yeah, right), I am the voice yelling for Katie B in the top most video.

    The girls did great. It was so funny to see how excited Angela was before each race. She was almost vibrating.

    I think my favorite moment occurred when the relay team started a little kick-line as they in the staging area.


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