Friday, March 06, 2009

Proven wrong..AGAIN

I don't know why I thought Angela would have a problem with this. Clearly she doesn't! I just wouldn't be a mom if I didn't worry, right? LOL  Just an FYI, Angela is already asking to put other numbers in the phone, and yours could be next!


  1. Oh look out! So cute! I love her, "Oh, there it is".

  2. Excellent!!! Bravo!!! Good job!!!

  3. That's wonderful!

  4. She is too cool! What phone did you end up getting for her?

  5. OMG when did she get so old?!

  6. She so precious. I can't wait until Ethan can call me from his own cell phone. He's almost 8 now, so we probably have a few more years. How adorable!

  7. LOL!! I love it!!! Way to go Angela! I had Adam watch the video he has an ear to ear grin!! Thankfully he didn't ask for a cell phone! I'm not ready for that one yet!

  8. Dang I wish my sound card wasn't freakin dead ... :-( Does she love it?

  9. She just has the samsung phone that I used to have. It's just a standard phone. It does have a camera on it, and can text, but there's no way Angela, at this point in the game, would figure out how to text from a standard phone. She'd have trouble even if it was a qwty phone.

  10. Oh, and right now the only numbers in it are mine, Dean's, her dad's, and home. I will add more numbers as she shows she can be at least semi responsible with it. This morning as soon as she got up she called her dad to say good morning. LOL (secretly, I can't wait till she does this when she wakes up at 5:30 in the morning!)


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