Friday, March 13, 2009


Progress on the pirate room is slow, but steady. I now have the whole room cleaned out, and just need to move the furniture out so the new flooring can go in. 

As long as Angela has been talking about the pirate room, she's said, "it has a wheel, and a window!" So, a ship's wheel and a port hole. Angela isn't allowed in that room now until I'm done with it, so the final product is a complete surprise. Among the surprises is this little item that arrived today! (only it's not so little, about 24".) 


  1. Let me guess? you got the wheel from Craig's list or ebay? very cool.

  2. I love it!! Hey, I thought of Angela's new room the other day, Target (my favorite store) had a cool pirate picture (not little kiddish and not really adult) in the picture area, you'll have to check it out~

  3. I bet she will be so happy when you are done with her room!

  4. Leah, you are an awesome, awesome mom! I thought my parents were cool, but you are making sure that Angela gets all the experiences she'll need to function in the "real" world (whatever that is)! I just painted a tribal chinese dragon on my nephew's wall a couple of weeks ago. It was very cool to do something special for him like that. So far this Pirate Room sounds like it's going to be GREAT!
    I have a new blog URL in case you don't recognize this one.
    Blessings to you, Kelley


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