Saturday, January 17, 2009


Do you love my new blog, or what? Thanks to Rebecca for beautifying my blog for me! You'll notice there are now buttons on the top of the blog, leading to various things.

First, a direct link to Angela's blog. YEAH!

The Calendar is for Angela's swim coach, because he's a busy guy! More than once I've shown up for swimming only to find that he's at a meet with his other team. LOL Unfortunately he isn't "connected", so keeping all of us parents updated is a bit difficult. Hopefully this will alleviate some confusion.

My dog posts will now be under...well...DOGS!

The Blogroll link is pretty self explanatory. That page will take me a bit to complete, since..well...lets not go there!


  1. Jumping on the bandwagon?! Looks good!

  2. Looks great!

    Scott did have a high fever all day yesterday, but he's feeling better this morning. He's covered in pox, but he's feeling a tad better. Luckily, they are not itchy yet. I sure hope that sterile part is false! I still hold out hope for another baby someday!!!

  3. I like it. I need to look into making tabs. It would make organizing things so much easier!


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!