Monday, December 01, 2008

It's a Raffle!

Well, it's kind of like a raffle anyway. LOL

Like many families I know right now, my friends Randy and Sheila Green over at The Sunflower Chronicles are in the process of adopting another little girl with DS through Reece's Rainbow. Last winter they brought home Lera, and are ready to make the trip again to bring Masha home!

For those who are new to my site, please go read at Reece's Rainbow about adopting children with special needs from Eastern European countries. For most of these children, their 4th birthday is often a death sentence. When they turn 4, they leave the baby homes and are sent to an institution where they are no longer considered adoptable. Many die within the first year due to sickness, malnutrition and/or dehydration. Those who live face a life like this one! But Masha is one lucky girl! She has a family waiting for her! But these adoptions, for these children who's lives depend on it, are very expensive. Since I'd love to save every child, but am in no position to adopt, I'd like to help in whatever way I can. A few weeks ago, I found a way!

You see, I met THE REAL Santa Claus! Really...I met him! No joking people, this guy even jingles when he walks! Not only did I meet him, but I am working with him several times over the next few weeks! Santa loves our kids too, and has agreed to help me with my very special project!

Imagine your child getting a personalized VIDEO from Santa!

On December 13th, I (along with my video camera) will be taking ONE very special letter to Santa. He will read it out loud, and maybe even answer a question or two. His REAL reindeer will be there too! Oh, to be the child who gets to see the REAL Santa, reading THEIR letter...right there on their TV! Wouldn't that be exciting????

So, here's your chance to win this for your child. All you have to do is donate $5 to the ChipIn widget located at the bottom of this post, AND LEAVE A COMMENT at the bottom of this blog, then prepare a short letter for Santa from your child. On December 12th, I'll have Angela pull a name from among those who donated. I'll ask you to email me that special letter, along with a couple personal details about your child that will be included in Santa's message. (if you have more than one child, all your children's names will be included so nobody is left out!) The video will be made on Saturday, December 13th, and will be prepared for your viewing pleasure. A DVD will be rush shipped to your address before Christmas!

This contest ends December 11th. Only 11 days folks, so spread the word, and lets help bring Masha home!!!


  1. Leah,
    I sent a donation. Paypal has been acting crazy for a few days, so I hope it went through!

  2. I donated, but don't want to be in the drawing. No Santa believer s live here these days :) Maybe some day again.....


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!