Friday, September 19, 2008

In my spare time

Yesterday I didn't have anything better to do so I decided to teach
one of my dogs to ride in the sidecar. I've worked with 2 of the dogs
already and neither of them are too thrilled with the idea. But
Roman...aahhh Roman my red mini poodle. He's game for anything if it
means he's with Mom, so he was my victim yesterday.

I got him some mini doggles (which are too damn cute!) and a harness,
which I buckled to Angela's harness in the sidecar. He seemed ok with
that, so we took a ride up the street, and he just sat there looking
not at all nervous. Of course I gave him lots of treats while we were
doing this, so that helped!

A few times up the side streets, and as fast as 40 mph and he seemed
just fine, so we headed out onto the highway. That's when he decided
he didn't like the doggles. Actually, he's due to have his face
trimmed and I think he just couldn't see around the stuff in his eyes.

Anyway, I wouldn't say he ENJOYED the ride, but I wouldn't say he was
scared either. Maybe slightly confused about the doggles on his face,
but otherwise he seemed fine. This weekend I plan to work with him on
being in there longer than 10 minutes at a time.

I love the smiles my rig brings to the faces of older men who wish
they had one, and small kids who wish they were riding in it. And it's
pretty clear Angela is the coolest kid in 6th grade!

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