Wednesday, September 17, 2008

HOM furniture: What happened with that?

Someone asked me what happened with our HOM furniture problems. Well, I'll be more than happy to tell you. HOM Furniture stores SUCK!

First, you may remember a year ago in May we bought 2 pieces from HOM. A beautiful entertainment center to the tune of $2600. We picked it out not only because it was very unique, but because we could close and lock all the electronics away, protecting them when Angela gets in a mood and the remotes start flying! We also bought a leather sectional about the same price. Plus $190 for delivery. Because the leather was "custom" dyed, none of the furniture was delivered until August. When they arrived we went out and bought a TV specifically to fit inside this huge unit.

In May of this year I noticed a major defect with the entertainment center. On all the uprights all the laminate was coming unglued. Upon further inspection (looking into the corners with a flashlight because the lighting in that room is horrible.) I found that the stain was flaking off all over the place! Frustrated, I called HOM and told them about the issue, so they sent someone out.

By the time the guy came, we'd also discovered a major problem with the leather sectional as well. The guy agreed the entertainment center needed to be replaced, as did one ene (which equals two pieces) of the sectional.

We went to HOM to pick out a new entertainment center. Remember, we had specifications (has to be able to PROTECT the electronics AND fit the huge tv we bought to put in it!) We couldn't find one single thing in the store to fit the bill. Not only that, but we found the display model of our entertainment unit, and guess what? It had the SAME defects, only someone had tried to fix them.

We finally called customer service and told them we wanted our money back on the entertainment center. We couldn't find anything to fit our needs. However THEIR policy was to REPLACE or give store credit, NOT a refund. We explained how we understood that, but they didn't HAVE anything we could USE! We fought with them for an entire month before they agreed to give us a refund..which two months to get to us. Oh, not only that, but they charged us $195 to pick up the THEIR defective piece of furniture!

As for the leather sectional, we're STILL WAITING for our replacement pieces. They were ordered the end of May, and we were told they'd be here the first week of September. Let's is the 17th.

We have yet to find an entertainment center that suits our needs. All the stores (Schneidermans, Becker, Ashley, etc.) stock from the same catalogs, and it's all crap. We've decided in order to find what we want, we'll have to find some Amish guy to build us a QUALITY piece of furniture!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, dealing with furniture people is a pain. We've boycotted almost every store in town due to false promises and crappy merchandise. But, you guys could always make another trip to Michigan, cause we got lots of Amish stores. :)


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