Monday, August 11, 2008

Send 'em back!

For those who are intersted, there is a group of us who are sending any Ben Stiller movies we own BACK to Ben Stiller. Let him dispose of his own trash. I will not support this man, will not give him one single dollar of mine so that he can spew his garbage to the rest of the world. I'm thrilled that I only own ONE Of his movies, as I've never been thrilled with his humor, but I think most households probably own a movie or two of his.

Here's the list of movies:

Night at the Museum
Meet The Fockers
Meet The Parents
Along Came Polly
Something About Mary

He also produced "The Ringer" (the only movie of his that I own) which was endorsed and supported by the National Special Olympics organization. I'm still debating about sending this one back.

Box 'em up and mail them to

Ben Stiller, Writer/Director/Producer
Read Hour Films, 629 N. La Brea, Los Angeles, CA 90036


  1. Whoa, whoa, whoa...he produced The Ringer? I had no idea. Seems he learned a lot from his own movie. I have to admit, I about threw up the first 15 minutes of that movie, but stayed the course because someone told me that it was worth it. And, after watching the entire movie- I got it. It's also what Mr. Shriver got. That's why he ok'd to have the SO in the movie. Apparently, Ben Stiller missed the memo on the actual bigger picture of that film. I'm so disgusted with him.

  2. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Thank you for your great blog! I know that this "monkey guy" has blocked all the comments that are coming in to his site. So, on my blog I have highlighted his blog and I have invited everyone to leave their comments there to tell their story on WHY they ARE blessed for having their children with Down syndrome. I invite you to do the same.

    Keep up the great work!


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!