There were some funky problems that he ran into. Like the tub had a crack in it that wasn't visible. (it was under the seat, against the frame.) that needed to be repaired. There was also a funky chemical reaction between the old paint and the new that caused it to bubble, requiring re-sanding, and then it bubbled again. Very frustrating to the artist!
I didn't think to bring my camera with me to pick it up so you could see it out in the sunlight, so here are pictures of it inside my truck. Tomorrow Tyler and I will bring it down to Spring Valley, MN to the shop of Dave's Cycle who will be mounting it to my bike. A couple more weeks and I should be on the road! When Angela came home I told her, "I have a surprise for you!" and opened up the back of the truck. Oh my gosh...she was SO EXCITED! She was jumping up and down and wanted to climb in the truck to get in the sidecar. LOL Here's what pictures I have, and a picture of the bike it'll be mounted to.

Very cool. Can't wait to see you two on it. Just in tmie for saving $ during our $4.00/gal. gas prices.