Sunday, May 25, 2008

My Blog Roll

I have a love/hate relationship with Google Reader. If you've never used Google reader, or any of the other readers before, you aught to give it a try. Well..only if you aren't addicted to your computer, because if you are, you'll get stuck on there even more every day! Anyway, Google reader lets you subscribe to a blog(s) and read them all in one spot, and it tells you which blogs have new posts. You just read them all right there on the same page. Then it has this little feature where it notices a theme that you tend to read a lot, and it suggests other blogs that also fit that theme. You don't have to click on them. I know that. Nobody forces me to do it, I just DO!!!!! THAT is the dangerous part of reader!

Anyway, I read several (ok a lot of) blogs ever day. Here is my blog roll as it appears on Google Reader. I'm sure you'll notice a couple of themes: There is Down Syndrome, and there is adoption, and there is Down Syndrome adoption. There is hearing loss, and disabilities, and then a little bit more about Down Syndrome. I know there are others who are subscribed to even more blogs. I feel sorry for them, I really do! They have a very, very, serious addiction.

Ben and his Brothers: Live with 3 boys and CdLs
Chewing the Fat
Cornish Adoption Journey
My Newest Daughter
A Day in the Lives of the Urbans
Parenting Special Needs
Adopting Amanda - Our Journey to Estonia
Adventures in Homemaker Land
Amy and Sons
Annie's Porch
bert, bean, rockstar & schmoozer
Bionic Ear Blog
Catch'in Some Waves
Confessions of a CF Husband
Daniel Drinker
Dreaming on an Angel
Emma Sage
Family Love Notes
Fessler Family News
Gathering Them from the East
Grey-Haired Geek
Hearing Mojo
Hearing Exchange
Kara's Journey to America
Kelley: My new Beginning
Kids & Dogs Blog
Kristina's Story
Kwisteena's Kwaziness
Larkin's Place
Life As Household 6
Life of the Bubelas
Life With My Special K's
Megan's Got 47
Narrow Ridge
Newbold Family's Adoption Journey
Our Ukrainian Journey
Random Thinking
Rhett's Journey
The Adoption Option
The Sunflower Chronicles
The Warren Family
We Walk By Faith
What's Happenin at the Hoover's
Wild Angels


  1. Hi Leah,
    be careful using that pressure washer. The spray has sufficient pressure, especially when turned to it's narrowest setting and at close range, to cut a person open. We all make foolish mistakes (says the fellow who looked down the nozzle of his paint gun to see if it was clean)but who'd have thought that my wife would reckon it a good idea to blow the dirt off her sandals with the thing after blitzing our patio. Her foot now has an interesting scar that she's kinda shy to say how it got there.
    Fred Hill. S'toon.

  2. hi! Jaimie from DownSyn (shimmeringstars) here :) I also have a love/hate relationship with google reader, it sucks up some time. I won't even tell you how many blogs I have ;) actually, I'm not really sure.


  3. Ha! Thanks Fred! I just happen to know someone who carved their initials into a certain deck. I won't tell you who. ;-)

  4. Leah...thanks for reading and commenting on my blog...I fall into that 'suggested reads' thing a lot too!

  5. leah-
    I am honored to be on your google reader! I'm just getting introduced to it myself. Love your blog and I enjoy following your and Angela's adventures.


Thank you for taking the time to leave comment! Its nice to know there is someone actually reading!