Sunday, April 06, 2008

High School Musical

Angela had a GREAT time at the show on Saturday! We had even better seats than before. This time we were in the 8th row, center stage. PERFECT! I think Angela liked the show better the second time, as she was able to pick out people she knew, and she LOVED finding her new friend Dante! He plays a few different roles so costumes frequently. All of a sudden she's whisper-scream "There's Dante! A new shirt AGAIN!"

After the show we bumped into the man and woman who play Troy and Sharpay as they were making a quick exit from the theater. (they only had about 2 hours to rest and eat before the next performance.) so we weren't able to get pictures with them. But we did meet up with Dante. Unfortunately he'd had an injury during the show so was headed to physical therapy, he hung out with us for a bit, then his friend Mike (aka Jack Scott in the play) gave us a tour instead.

The ENTIRE cast was very nice. Every time we bumped into someone they'd greet Angela by name, including the sound crew. I really can't say enough good things about everyone they met. Whoever cast the show did an awesome job not only with casting the roles, but choosing people who would be great with the public as well!

Angela, excited to be going to the show!

In front of the theater

If you've seen the show, the cast comes in/out via these panels that spin around at the back of the stage.
Arielle Jacobs Angela Mike Mahaney Dante Russo
(Gabrielle) (Playing herself) (Jack Scott) (worm boy, Ensamble)


During the show, Sharpay comes climbing out of this locker

Angela was scared to death of the Wildcat mascot, but we found his head! LOL (she wouldn't go near it for a picture either.)

This is one of my favorite pictures.


  1. She's too cute Leah...Glad she had a good time.

  2. Glad you guys had such a great time! Happy to hear that the cast loved Angela and were so nice to her.


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