Just what IS the purpose of a car rental agency? To rent cars? And who do they usually rent them to? Joe Schmoe who lives right next door, or John Smith who flew in from out of town? How many people pick up their rental cars right at the airport? Is it safe to say that those who pick their car at the airport are usually from out of town, usually from out of state even? Here's the story of Ragamuffin Soul, who recently had a run-in with Enterprise Rent A Car. Why am I linking to this story? Because the more people that do, the higher his google rank on a search. He's nearing the top!!!! That means if someone googles "Enterprise Rent A Car" they're going to see his post, and they need to!
Dear Enterprise Rent A Car
Thanks for linking! :) Be sure to add his blog to your reader! You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be moved, I promise!