Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Defendant's Name

It has taken me nearly two months to get more information about the assault against Angela that happened at school. Can you believe I STILL don't have a copy of the police report?

Anyway, on November 21st, 2007 Angela was physically assaulted by substitute paraprofessional "L.M.B.S," (full name to be posted later.) (AKA "M.B " (a derivative of her full-name) who later admitted to the act.

I am still waiting to find out weather or not the county attorney intends to prosecute this case. Of course, I still have all kinds of questions. Unfortunately, until I have a copy of the report in my hand, and know the intentions of the Dakota Couny Attorney, there is nothing I can do.

1 comment:

  1. are you kidding me....no report yet! That is terrible.


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